Keywords: AI-marketing, artificial intelligence, marketing processes, data analysis, personalization, automation, market trends, ethical issues, interdisciplinary approach, digital transformation


The purpose of this article is to conduct an in-depth study of the impact of artificial intelligence on marketing activities, specifically defining the concept of "AI marketing" and analyzing the main approaches to its interpretation in modern science. The relevance of the topic is driven by the rapid development of digital technologies, which are radically transforming traditional marketing practices, enhancing efficiency, personalization, and process automation. The integration of artificial intelligence into marketing is a key factor that allows companies not only to optimize their business processes but also to improve customer interactions. The research methodology is based on content analysis of the definitions of "AI marketing" according to the methodology of A.O. Starostina. This approach enabled the identification of key components of the concept and the application of structural-logical analysis, which helped to reveal common and distinctive features in the definition of the term by various scholars. Using methods of comparison and analogy, an authorial interpretation of the concept of "AI marketing" was proposed, taking into account both technological and business aspects. The research results demonstrate that AI marketing is a multi-layered and complex phenomenon that includes the use of artificial intelligence to improve marketing efficiency, enhance customer experience, create new business models, and conduct more accurate analysis of large data volumes. The proposed authorial definition of the term "AI marketing" reveals the essence of this concept, its content, and its impact on marketing activities. The practical value of this article lies in providing a new approach to understanding and applying AI marketing. This can be used in both academic research and practical marketing activities for more effective integration of artificial intelligence into marketing strategies, contributing to the increased competitiveness of companies in the modern market, allowing them to adapt to the new conditions and demands of the digital era.


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