Keywords: Digital Transformation, Hybrid Threats, Emerging And Disruptive Technologies – Edts, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Quantum Computing, 5G/6G, Big Data, Internet of Things, Forgery, Deepfake, Avatar Creation


Digital transformation is one of the key trends in the modern world, which has a significant impact on all spheres of life: economy, society, public administration, defense and security. The United Nations recognizes digitalization as one of the main dangers facing humanity. In the article the main risks to society posed by digital transformation are identified. The threats of economic, political, social, technological, and control nature are characterized. The development of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies - EDTs, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing, 5G/6G, Big Data, the Internet of Things, and others, should be assessed from both a positive and negative perspective in terms of their impact on society and the economy. It is determined that information technologies have become one of the main tools of hybrid threats. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing area of technologies with potentially significant implications for national security. The stages of development of AI technologies and the areas of potential impact of AI on the development of defense capabilities of countries over the next 20 years are characterized. Digital transformation significantly increases the risks of hybrid threats. Due to the rapid development of information technology, hybrid threats can cause significant damage at the national and international levels. For example, cyber attacks on critical infrastructure can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the state, disinformation can provoke social conflicts, and economic pressure can undermine the resilience of economies. All these factors create new challenges for national security and require new approaches to neutralize them. To successfully counter hybrid threats caused by the digital transformation process, it is necessary to develop and implement comprehensive strategies that combine cybersecurity, countering disinformation, strengthening national resilience and international cooperation. This is the only way to ensure security and stability in the digital age.


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How to Cite
Karpenko, O., Osypova, Y., & Matviichuk, Y. (2024). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE CONTEXT OF HYBRID THREATS. Economy and Society, (65).