Keywords: investment, investment security, economic security, capital, sustainable development, evaluation criteria


Investment security is especially increasing in the conditions of war in Ukraine, when the state needs to ensure economic stability and resistance to external and internal threats. Military actions significantly affect the investment climate, which requires new approaches to ensure investment security. The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of state investment security, which is an important aspect of general economic security. The purpose of the article is to analyze the state’s investment security as a key element of economic stability in wartime conditions. The main concepts, approaches and factors affecting the formation and provision of investment security are defined. The authors analyze the components of investment security, in particular legal, economic and social aspects, and also emphasize their relationship with the general strategies of sustainable development of the state. Particular attention is paid to modern challenges that arise before investment security in wartime conditions. The authors analyze the threats associated with military conflicts and their impact on the investment climate in the country. The article also examines mechanisms for strengthening investment security in crisis conditions, as well as strategic steps aimed at restoring investor confidence and improving the state’s investment attractiveness. The article examines the criteria for assessing investment security (investment climate, financial stability, protection of investors’ rights, innovation potential of the economy, level of social stability) and methodological approaches to their application in practice. Investment security is an integral part of sustainable development, as it helps create the conditions for long-term investments that ensure economic growth without harming future generations. The results of the study can be useful both for experts in the field of economic security and for representatives of state authorities dealing with issues of improving the investment climate and ensuring the country’s sustainable development in the face of modern challenges.


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