Keywords: electronic declaration, risk management system, corruption, harmonization of legislation, customs brokers, customs brokerage, customs security, electronic customs, large taxpayers, large business, financial policy for sustainable development


The article examines the effectiveness of customs brokerage in Ukraine, taking into account modern challenges and development prospects. In the context of globalization and growing volumes of international trade, customs brokers play a key role in simplifying procedures, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and reducing costs for business. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of customs brokerage in Ukraine, determine its effectiveness and identify the main problems and challenges facing this industry. The task is also to compare the Ukrainian experience with international practices and outline the ways to improve customs brokerage. Research methods include analysis of statistical data, review of the legal framework, expert surveys and comparative analysis of international practices. The results of the study show that Ukrainian customs brokers face a number of problems, such as the complexity of procedures, insufficient use of digital technologies and lack of transparency. Analysis of international experience shows that more developed countries have made significant progress in simplifying customs procedures through the introduction of electronic systems, outsourcing of part of the processes and expansion of cooperation with the private sector. It was found that Ukraine needs to modernize the customs brokerage system, in particular through the automation of processes, improvement of the qualifications of specialists and harmonization of legislation with international standards. The conclusions state that in order to increase the efficiency of customs mediation, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive reforms aimed at simplifying procedures, increasing transparency and improving the regulatory and legal framework. A number of recommendations are proposed, including the introduction of modern information technologies, the development of institutional capacity and the activation of international cooperation. Prospects for further research include a detailed analysis of the impact of reforms on economic activity and a study of the role of customs brokers in ensuring national security. The proposed measures will help improve the quality of customs services, reduce corruption risks, and increase Ukraine's competitiveness on the international market.


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How to Cite
Kolomiiets, H., Volkovskyi , I., & Pyslytsia, A. (2024). EFFICIENCY OF CUSTOMS MEDIATION: CURRENT CHALLENGES AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Economy and Society, (65). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-65-63