The article analyzes the current state, dynamics and level of economic efficiency of buckwheat production in Ukraine as an important niche crop. It is noted that in modern conditions, the diversification of agricultural production in the key to the cultivation of niche crops is extremely relevant, as it makes it possible to reduce the risks of losses from the failure or death of the harvest of traditional agricultural crops and to improve the quality of soils through the diversification of crop rotation. It is noted that the cultivation of buckwheat is concentrated in agricultural enterprises - 79.2% in 2033, and the level and dynamics of harvests fluctuates over the years. The highest gross harvests of culture were in 2017, 2022 and 2023. In general, buckwheat is a profitable crop, the highest level of profitability was in 2015, 2016, from the calculation of 110 UAH of expenses, farmers received 100 for 87.5 UAH of profit, respectively. The reason for the fluctuation of these indicators is the influence of a complex of factors such as demand volumes, price conditions, state support for the industry, etc. It is noted that although buckwheat is consumed mainly on the domestic market, recently there has been a trend towards an increase in the demand for groats due to a significant number of refugees from Ukraine (about 6-7 million people). So, in 2023, the buckwheat harvest amounted to 147.7 thousand tons, with domestic demand at the level of 110 thousand tons, accordingly, the ban on the export of buckwheat was canceled by a government decree. In the same year 117,000 tons of groats were delivered to European countries (mainly Poland, Italy and Great Britain), which almost tripled the figure of the previous year. It is noted that, in addition to economic factors, the development of buckwheat production is due to climatic and agrotechnical factors. Unlike other grains, the average yield of buckwheat has not increased significantly over a long period and is at the level of 1.3-1.5 tons per hectare. To ensure a sufficient level of profitability, it is necessary to collect 2.5 tons of crops per hectare. These factors in combination with economic factors can act as disincentives for agribusiness in terms of buckwheat cultivation. It was emphasized that an important problem of the further development of the industry is the development of an effective mechanism of state support for agricultural producers in order to avoid sharp fluctuations in the direction of lowering crop prices and, as a result, ensuring the economic efficiency of its production.
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