Keywords: socio-psychological methods, management, corporate culture, tourism business, motivation


This article is dedicated to the study of the role of socio-psychological management methods in shaping the corporate culture of a tourism enterprise. It is determined that these methods help create a favorable atmosphere, increase employee motivation, improve interpersonal relationships within the team, and as a result, improve the quality of services and customer satisfaction. The importance of implementing socio-psychological management methods in tourism enterprises is highlighted, which is explained by the individuality of each employee, interaction within the team, and the creation of a positive company image. The article characterizes the socio-psychological management methods most commonly used in the tourism business, namely: communication, motivation, leadership, corporate culture formation, coaching and mentoring, and psychological support. The main forms of implementing these methods in the activities of tourism enterprises are investigated, which consist of organizing team trainings, conducting corporate events, forming a mentoring system, and introducing a motivation program for tourism employees. The article also analyzes the implementation of the role (significance) of socio-psychological management methods in shaping the corporate culture of a tourism enterprise, namely through which processes and actions each method is implemented. The goals of the mentioned methods and ways to achieve them are analyzed, and the main aspects of effective business communication in tourism are characterized. It is proved that the application of socio-psychological management methods in the tourism business contributes to the creation of a positive company image and, accordingly, is reflected in the formation of stable positions in the tourism market. Thanks to the implementation of these measures and the application of socio-psychological management methods, the corporate culture of tourism enterprises is formed much more efficiently, creates stable well-established communication processes and a favorable psychological climate in the team, increases motivation, and unites employees.


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