Keywords: cryptocurrencies, virtual assets, blockchain, National Bank of Ukraine, cryptocurrency regulation, financial technologies


The article delves deeply into the transformative potential and inherent challenges of integrating cryptocurrencies into Ukraine's financial system. As the global digital economy experiences unprecedented growth, Ukraine's financial sector is progressively adapting, with digital technologies playing a pivotal role in optimizing operations, enhancing transactional efficiency, and fostering innovation. Despite this progress, the article highlights a significant gap in the research: a lack of systematic studies specifically addressing the integration and impact of cryptocurrencies within Ukraine's unique financial landscape. The article identifies several critical challenges that must be addressed to realize the potential benefits of cryptocurrencies. These include the extreme volatility of cryptocurrency markets, which poses significant risks for both investors and the financial stability of the country. Legal uncertainties surrounding the status of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine also create an ambiguous environment that could hinder their broader adoption. Furthermore, the prevalence of fraud and the substantial cybersecurity risks associated with digital currencies are underscored as major concerns that could undermine public trust and the integrity of the financial system. In addressing these challenges, the article advocates for a comprehensive and strategic approach to integrating cryptocurrencies into Ukraine's financial system. This approach should not only focus on mitigating the identified risks but also on enhancing the overall stability and efficiency of the financial sector. The paper emphasizes the necessity of developing both robust theoretical frameworks and practical implementation strategies for the adoption of cryptocurrencies, particularly within the traditional banking sector. This involves crafting regulatory guidelines that can provide clarity and support for the safe and effective integration of digital currencies, thereby promoting financial innovation while safeguarding against potential disruptions. The analysis is grounded in a thorough review of existing literature on the digitalization of financial services and the economic impacts of cryptocurrencies. By drawing on these sources, the article offers a nuanced perspective on how Ukraine can navigate the complex landscape of cryptocurrency integration. It suggests that a carefully calibrated regulatory framework, informed by international best practices, and tailored to Ukraine's specific economic and legal context, could serve as a foundation for harnessing the benefits of digital currencies while minimizing associated risks. Ultimately, the article provides valuable insights into the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies for Ukraine's financial sector. It also offers practical recommendations for policymakers, regulators, and financial institutions on how to effectively manage the challenges and opportunities presented by this emerging digital asset class. The findings and recommendations presented in the article have significant implications for the future development of Ukraine's financial system, suggesting that with the right approach, cryptocurrencies could play a crucial role in driving innovation, enhancing financial inclusion, and strengthening the overall resilience of the economy.


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How to Cite
Plysa , V., & Dziamka, M. (2024). CRYPTOCURRENCIES IN THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM OF UKRAINE: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from