Keywords: derivatives, futures, forwards, derivatives market, securities


The article is devoted to the state of development of the derivatives market in Ukraine and the features of such development. The article analyzes the stages of development of the derivatives market that took place in Ukraine. The opinions of scientists regarding the state of the development of the derivatives market in Ukraine are outlined, as well as an assessment of such opinions. The factors and factors that contributed to or, on the contrary, inhibited the development of the derivatives market in Ukraine are singled out. The prospects for the development of the derivatives market in Ukraine and the factors that will determine the further development of such a market are indicated. The object of the study is the Ukrainian derivatives market, as well as the stages of its development. The subject of the research is the relations that arise on the derivatives market and the gradual development of such relations between all participants of the derivatives market in Ukraine. The task of the research is to find out the historical development of the derivatives market of Ukraine and its current state, to identify the problems that lead to the low development of the market and the actions taken to overcome these problems, as well as to develop ideas about possible ways of developing the derivatives market in Ukraine. It is equally important to find out the reasons for the weak development of the derivatives market and to take these reasons into account in order to avoid mistakes regarding the development of the derivatives market in the future. Research methods present in the work: analytical - processing of statistical data of the derivatives market of Ukraine, comparative - comparison with indicators of foreign markets, abstract and logical - formation of conclusions and generalizations. The work is based on the principle of explaining the essence of the derivatives market, the peculiarities of the derivatives market in Ukraine, the previous stages and periods of its development, as well as avoiding mistakes that will inevitably lead to the impossibility of developing the derivatives market in the future.


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How to Cite
Podolchuk, O., & Podolchuk, D. (2024). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS MARKET IN UKRAINE . Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/4412