Keywords: going concern principle, comprehensive approach, continuity assessment, accounting system, analysis, planning and forecasting, risk management


Assessing the adherence to the going concern principle of a business is essential for ensuring trust in financial reporting. The relevance of researching a comprehensive approach to assessing the continuity of business operations is driven by the need for a high-quality and reliable evaluation of adherence to the going concern principle on one hand, and the complexity of such an assessment on the other. The objectives of the article: to outline the key elements of a comprehensive approach to assessing business continuity; to identify the role of accounting and analysis in the assessment process; to classify the problems, difficulties, and challenges that can significantly impact the accuracy and reliability of the assessment results, and to suggest possible ways to address them. In our view, a comprehensive approach to assessing the continuity of business operations should consist of key elements that cover various aspects of the business, providing a holistic and thorough evaluation of its ability to continue operating in the long term. We propose the following key elements: financial stability analysis; risk identification, assessment, and management; monitoring of the external environment; strategic planning and forecasting; management effectiveness assessment; evaluation of staff competence, the ability to implement new technologies and innovations; and communication. Accounting and the accounting system of a business play a crucial role in implementing a comprehensive approach to assessing its continuity, providing the necessary informational basis for managerial decision-making. The accounting system accumulates and processes financial information that is used to prepare financial statements. Reliable financial reporting is the foundation for assessing financial stability, liquidity, solvency, and other key aspects of business continuity. Analysis offers tools for processing and interpreting accounting information. It provides a deep understanding of the financial condition, operational efficiency, risks, and opportunities of the business. Integrating modern technologies into the process of assessing business continuity can significantly enhance the accuracy, speed, and efficiency of this process.


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Moskal, N. (2024). A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO ASSESSING THE CONTINUITY OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS: ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL ASPECTS. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/4409