Keywords: artificial intelligence, labor market, digital transformation, digitization, employment


The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the labor market is a multifaceted and dynamic process that is transforming the structure of employment and requirements for professional competencies. On the one hand, AI automates routine and repetitive tasks, potentially displacing workers from certain industries. On the other hand, it creates new employment opportunities, especially in the areas of development, implementation and maintenance of AI systems. The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the labor market is characterized by complexity and dynamism, which causes fundamental changes in the structure of employment and requirements for professional competencies. This transformation has a number of features that require thorough analysis and a strategic approach to human resource management. A dualistic effect of AI on the labor market is observed. On the one hand, there is automation of routine and algorithmized tasks, which leads to the reduction of jobs in certain sectors of the economy. On the other hand, new professions and areas of activity related to the development, implementation and maintenance of AI systems are being created. The nature of work is changing. AI facilitates the redistribution of working time in favor of more complex, creative and strategic tasks that require uniquely human qualities such as emotional intelligence, critical thinking and the ability to innovate. Increasing the requirements for the qualification of employees. There is a growing demand for interdisciplinary skills, the ability to continuously learn and adapt to new technologies. This creates the need to revise educational programs and develop continuous education systems. Changing the geography of work. AI contributes to the development of remote work and the gig economy, which leads to the globalization of the labor market and increased competition at the international level. Impact of AI on human resource management processes. The use of AI technologies optimizes the processes of recruiting, personnel evaluation and forecasting of workforce needs, which increases the efficiency of HR functions. Finally, the introduction of AI exacerbates the ethical and social responsibility issues of business. There is a need to develop new approaches to ensure fairness, transparency and ethics in the use of AI in the workplace. These features form a complex ecosystem of human-AI interaction in the labor market, requiring adaptability, innovation and strategic thinking from all stakeholders to ensure sustainable development in the conditions of technological transformation.


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How to Cite
Lihonenko, L., & Naumov , I. (2024). IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON PERSONNEL BUSINESS ORGANIZATION. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from