The article summarizes the theoretical research of domestic and foreign scholars on the content of “food security” at different levels of its implementation and systematizes the key factors that influence the state of food security in modern conditions. The purpose of this article is to summarize the latest approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “food security” and to identify the factors that are most influential in the modern era and determine the system of regulatory measures on a global and national scale to ensure it. To study this issue, a set of methods was used, namely: analysis and synthesis, process and institutionalist approaches; systematization. The results of the study showed that the theory of food security itself is a rather flexible concept that covers a wide and varied list of research areas and has an interdisciplinary dimension. The identification of scientific research in the field of food security has revealed that food security is a complex phenomenon influenced by a significant number of factors: from production and technical to organizational, institutional and political, climatic, demographic, etc. Appealing to the conceptual apparatus of the studied issues allowed us to identify the relationship between the concepts of “food security” and “food problem”. The analysis of the content of the latest research in the field of food security allows us to conclude that if in the early stages of the evolution of food security theory the epicenter of attention was the issues of individual components of food security, the mutual influence of economics and ideology, the market and the state in solving the food problem, nowadays the dominant trend is the active use of mathematical tools for research on food security. The theoretical significance of the study is to deepen the concept of sustainable development, taking into account the food security factor as an important prerequisite for ensuring a balance between the economic and social development of mankind in the twenty-first century. The practical value is due to the search for new conceptual approaches to the adaptation of the institutional regulatory system at the global and national levels to the conditions of the factors of contradictory influence on food security. Prospects for further research are considered in the direction of a comparative analysis of national strategies for ensuring food security in the modern era, identifying the advantages and limitations in their implementation in order to substantiate proposals for modernizing Ukraine's strategic steps in the context of aggravating geopolitical conflicts and strengthening the trend towards a new food sovereignty of states.
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