Keywords: neuromarketing, tourism business, customer communications, consumer behavior, neurophysiology, psychology, tourism industry, socio-psychological tools, communication, consumer behavior marketing


This study is aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of using neuromarketing tools in communications between travel companies and customers. In particular, the study intends to identify how psychological and neurophysiological factors influence consumer travel decisions, as well as to determine the most effective strategies for attracting customers using neuromarketing. The relevance of the study is due to the high competition in the tourism market and the need to find innovative approaches to attract and retain customers. Neuromarketing offers new opportunities for understanding consumer behavior and developing effective marketing strategies. To achieve the goal of the study, methods such as literature analysis (a systematic review of scientific publications on neuromarketing and the tourism business), as well as analysis, synthesis and preparation of recommendations based on the research results were used. The results of the study showed that the use of neuromarketing tools in the tourism business significantly increases the effectiveness of communications with clients. In particular, it was found that the use of emotional stimuli and personalized approaches contributes to an increase in client engagement and brand loyalty. Consumer behavior analysis has found that neurophysiological factors play a key role in travel purchasing decisions, and integrating neuromarketing strategies with traditional marketing methods can significantly improve customer satisfaction. The practical value of the article lies in the development of specific recommendations for travel companies on the implementation of neuromarketing approaches that contribute to increasing customer satisfaction and increasing sales of travel services. In particular, it is proposed to implement individualized marketing campaigns based on the analysis of psychological and neurophysiological reactions of customers, as well as the use of the latest technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality to create unique experiences for customers. These recommendations can be useful not only for travel companies, but also for other industries seeking to improve their marketing strategies and increase competitiveness in the market in the context of modern challenges, in particular, in the context of martial law in Ukraine.


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