• Olesia Dolynska Humanitarian‒Pedagogical Academy
  • Olena Binytska Humanitarian‒Pedagogical Academy
  • Tetiana Hilberh Humanitarian‒Pedagogical Academy
Keywords: tourist services, service sector, innovations in tourism, quality service, tourism management


Quality management in tourism services is a critical aspect of the successful operation of enterprises within the tourism industry, requiring continuous improvement and adaptation to contemporary trends. This article explores the approaches and modern trends in managing the quality of tourism services, emphasizing customer orientation, the implementation of international quality standards, digitalization, sustainable development, and service personalization. Firstly, the article highlights the significance of customer orientation, where understanding and meeting customer needs and expectations are paramount. Methods such as surveys, feedback analysis and customer relationship management systems are discussed as essential tools for maintaining high customer satisfaction levels. Secondly, the adoption of international quality standards includes the development of internal procedures, regular quality audits, and continuous improvement practices based on customer feedback and market analysis. The article further delves into the impact of digitalization and technology on enhancing service quality. Moreover, the article underscores the growing importance of service personalization. By leveraging customer data and preferences, tourism enterprises can offer tailored travel packages and personalized communications, enhancing overall customer experience and satisfaction. The article also addresses the challenges faced in managing quality, including high competition, rapid technological changes, and shifting consumer preferences. Strategies to overcome these challenges are discussed, such as the integration of artificial intelligence for data analysis and automation, the development of ecosystem partnerships for comprehensive service offerings, and innovative training methods for staff, including virtual reality. All processes related to the design, assurance, and maintenance of the quality of a tourism product should be integrated into a quality management system. Quality management of tourism services requires a systematic approach, which involves integrating all processes and functions aimed at ensuring high-quality service.


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How to Cite
Dolynska, O., Binytska, O., & Hilberh, T. (2024). QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF TOURISM SERVICES: CURRENT TRENDS. Economy and Society, (65). Retrieved from https://economyandsociety.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/4396