The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends in the restaurant business, in particular, the growing popularity of vegetarianism and its influence on the development of innovative concepts of catering establishments. The research covers a wide range of aspects, from the motivation of consumers to choose a plant-based diet to the adaptation of restaurants to new challenges. The reasons that prompt people to switch to vegetarianism are considered in detail, and sociological studies are analyzed, which confirm the growth in demand for plant-based products in Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the impact of this trend on the restaurant business: from expanding the menu to forming a new image of establishments. The analysis of sociological studies shows a steady trend of growing the number of vegetarians in Ukraine and the world. The reasons for this phenomenon, in particular, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, ethical considerations and environmental awareness, have been investigated. The demand for plant-based alternatives to meat and milk, as well as factors affecting consumer choice, were also analyzed. New niches in the market related to vegetarian cuisine are explored and the challenges faced by restaurants offering vegetarian dishes are analyzed. The article presents various innovative concepts of restaurants aimed at vegetarians and analyzes their features. The importance of adapting restaurants to new conditions, including staff training, development of effective marketing strategies and use of modern technologies, is emphasized. The research findings indicate that vegetarianism is not just a diet, but a whole cultural phenomenon that forms new trends in the restaurant business. Innovative concepts that combine taste, health and ethics are becoming more and more popular and open up new opportunities for the development of the gastronomic field. The study complements existing knowledge about the development of vegetarianism in Ukraine and offers new perspectives for further research. The results of the research can be useful for restaurateurs, marketers, as well as for the development of state policy in the field of nutrition.
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