The paper is devoted to researching the aspects of White Collar Crime (WCC), which costs companies around the world billions of dollars in losses and has significant consequences for the companies themselves, as well as for their employees, customers, and governments. It has been established that modern science lacks sufficient research on the Dark Triad and the connection of these personality traits with the propensity to commit corporate fraud. An analysis of the key components of the Dark Triad such as psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism was carried out. The most common means of detecting manifestations of the Dark Triad traits were studied, namely: the triarchic subclinical psychopathy measure (TriPM), the five-factor narcissism measure, the five-factor Machiavellianism measure, and the short Dark Triad test (SD3). The hypothesis of the presence of a direct correlation between the factor of subclinical psychopathy as disinhibition and meanness to a positive attitude to the facts of committing fraudulent acts was confirmed. The existence of a close connection between selfishness, immodesty, tendency to manipulation, callousness and condescending attitude towards WCC was revealed. The expediency of reviewing and supplementing classic checks of potential candidates and their psychological profiles, which have certain manifestations of the Dark Triad traits, by recruiting and personnel services of domestic companies, headhunting agencies, and other interested parties has been established. It was found that the sub-components of the Dark Triad do not have the same predictive power and cannot clearly indicate that a candidate for a position is a potential fraudster. It has been found that studying which personality traits can predict the potential susceptibility to WCC and providing a much-needed empirical basis for developing effective prevention strategies is an additional factor in corporate fraud prevention.
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