Keywords: logistics, internal control, information-organizational base, information support, stages of logistics control, information technologies


The article emphasizes the importance of the need for effective information provision of all processes, in particular, in the implementation of the control function in the enterprise's management system. An analysis of research and publications of economist scientists was carried out, and interpretations and definitions were given. The importance and features of creating an informational and organizational base for internal control of the enterprise's logistics activities have been analyzed. The classification of information provision of the system of control over the functional activity of the enterprise based on various features is proposed. It is emphasized that control is one of the key functions of management. It is emphasized that the fundamental difference of the logistic approach to flow management is the integration of individual links of the chain into a single system. It is emphasized that information is a key stimulus for the operation of the logistics system. The main stages of logistics control are highlighted. The main components of the information-organizational base system for the control of logistics activities have been identified and characterized. The importance of collecting and storing information about logistics operations is highlighted, taking into account the use of various technologies and systems that have been analyzed and described. A list of measures to ensure effective internal control and identify inconsistencies in the logistics activities of the enterprise is provided. The importance of internal reporting of logistics operations and the use of various mechanisms to ensure effective control and analysis of activities is emphasized. The main stages of logistics control are highlighted. The importance of automated processes of information analysis, which is a necessity in the rapidly changing business environment, is emphasized. The importance of using encryption, authentication and other cyber security methods, which are key elements for maintaining the confidentiality of logistics data, is emphasized.


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