The article focuses on the study of theoretical and methodological foundations and the identification of practical recommendations for the formation of the analytical and informational aspect of the ethics of decision-making in the management of financial and economic security. In the materials of scientific research, for the first time, a modern innovative model of business process management in the conditions of transformational economic transformations is proposed, which is based on six interrelated postulates. The decision-making process is multifaceted and has different vectors of strategic development. The complex nature of the corresponding transformations determines the formation of high rating positions of both individual enterprises and the economic system of the state as a whole. Rationality of decisions in the sphere of ensuring management of financial and economic security reproduces the priority of economic transformations. In the conditions of the functioning of the innovative model of business process management to ensure financial and economic security, several main approaches are proposed and characterized in the work, namely: rational decisions, intuitive decisions, logical-analytical decisions, a list of the main stages of the management decision-making process is formed: decision preparation, decision making, decision implementation. In modern conditions of implementation of the spectrum of transformational economic transformations, the formation of decision-making ethics is of primary importance, especially in the area of financial and economic security management. Neutralization of the spectrum of threats to the implementation of the financial and economic security system emphasizes the need to make balanced managerial decisions of a macroeconomic nature. The conduct of active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine necessitates the search for the newest tools for ensuring the ethics of business processes, based on the use of mechanisms for innovative transformations of strategic processes in the long term. The corresponding shortcomings are constantly increased by legislative, competitive and personnel contradictions, which determines the relevance of the chosen topic of scientific research.
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