The essence of the definition of "financial strategy of the enterprise" as a multifaceted category, which is a defining component of the general strategy of any business company, as it forms and implements its core component, is considered in this article. This determines the objective necessity of its separation on the basis of basic and functional components. An important aspect of the development of a model for improving the financial strategy of enterprises, with the definition of principles, strategic directions for achieving the set goal in order to ensure the sustainable innovative development of the economic entity in the context of the dynamic possibilities of economic growth of business companies, taking into account risks, environmental and social responsibility, as well as the peculiarities of functioning business in a turbulent, highly uncertain external environment. We consider financial strategy as a multifaceted definition that differs from other strategies by its specificity, importance and priorityThe classification of the financial strategy of economic entities is given, with the defining, main supporting strategy being highlighted. The aspect of financial security and the strategy of its provision in aggressive conditions of war were considered, when considering energy, environmental and social infrastructure objects: a thesis was formed about the special status of financial strategy in the functioning of companies in conditions of war, focused on the creation of effective measures to preserve and scale market share , creating an attractive investment climate, reducing the level of riskiness of the business activities of economic entities, taking into account the impact of digitalization and global networking processes. In these articles, proposals were developed for: - the financial strategy of the strategy for the post-war restoration of the national financial and economic potential have been developed - financial renewal (rehabilitation of enterprises) - achieving the long-term goals of the company's financial development strategy in the context of european standards - operational strategy is focused on achieving short-term goals The methodical approaches to the classification of financial strategies of industrial enterprises are presented.
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