Keywords: networking, iron and steel industry, decarbonization, climate change, greening of production, green economy, sustainable development, international associations


The purpose of this article is to explore the involvement of steel industry producers in specialized organizations in the context of industry decarbonization. The study highlights the importance of networking among these producers to address climate change challenges and achieve carbon neutrality. The relevance of this topic lies in the critical role that steel producers play in the global economy and their significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing decarbonization in this sector is essential for meeting international climate goals such as those outlined in the Paris Agreement. The research methodology includes a systemic-structural analysis, graphical methods, comparison, grouping, and structural-logical generalization. These methods were employed to comprehensively analyze the current state of the steel industry, the involvement of its producers in international associations, and the impact of such involvement on the decarbonization efforts. Data from various sources, including international organizations and industry reports, were utilized to support the analysis. The study's findings reveal that while international initiatives and regulations are in place to encourage decarbonization, the direct involvement of steel producers in these efforts varies significantly across regions. The European Union stands out as the most advanced region in terms of representation and active participation in specialized organizations, whereas the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is the least developed in this regard. This disparity underscores the need for more cohesive and coordinated efforts at both national and regional levels to enhance the industry's transition to a carbon-neutral economy. Results indicate that international associations of steel producers play a pivotal role in coordinating efforts and providing a platform for collaboration. These organizations help facilitate the exchange of best practices, promote technological innovations, and advocate for supportive policies. The practical value of this article lies in its insights into how steel industry producers can enhance their collaborative efforts through specialized organizations to meet climate neutrality and environmental protection goals. By strengthening their participation in these networks, steel producers can more effectively contribute to global decarbonization efforts, reduce their carbon footprint, and align with international climate policies.


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How to Cite
Chernytska, T., & Lohvynenko, Y. (2024). NETWORKING OF STEEL PRODUCERS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. Economy and Society, (63).