The modern development of information technologies has a significant impact on the hotel industry and tourism, making electronic management a key element in the successful functioning of enterprises in this industry. Increasing efficiency, automating processes and ensuring a high level of customer service have become possible thanks to the introduction of international standards and innovative technologies. Despite significant progress in the implementation of electronic management, many hotels face the challenges of integrating the latest technologies, ensuring information security and compliance with international standards. The purpose of this study is the analysis of international standards of electronic management in the hotel industry, the assessment of their impact on the efficiency of the hotel business, and the development of recommendations for the introduction of new technologies and approaches. The object of research is hotel management and tourism, and the subject of research is electronic management in this field, in particular, international standards and prospects for their implementation. The research used methods of system analysis, comparative analysis, as well as quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis. The method of system analysis was used to assess the impact of international standards on the activities of hotel enterprises. Benchmarking helped to compare e-government practices in different countries and identify the best approaches. Quantitative methods were used to analyze data on the effectiveness of technology implementation, while qualitative methods were used to collect and analyze the opinions of industry experts. The author reviewed the international standards of electronic management, analyzed their impact on the hotel industry, as well as identified prospects and offered recommendations for the introduction of the latest technologies in this area. The results of the study show that the implementation of international standards of electronic management contributes to increasing the efficiency and quality of service in the hotel industry. Recommendations for practical implementation include the need to integrate quality management systems, information security and environmental management. Special attention should be paid to the development of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies to optimize processes and increase the competitiveness of hotel enterprises.
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Carlisle S., Ivanov S. and Dijkmans C. (2023) The digital skills divide: evidence from the European tourism industry. Journal of Tourism Futures. vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 240–266. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JTF-07-2020-0114 (accessed June 13, 2024)
Khan M., Ajmal M., Jan A., Rahman H. and Zahid M. (2024) Identification of novel antecedents towards generating positive electronic word of mouth: evidence from the hospitality and tourism industry. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/GKMC-09-2023-0320 (accessed June 13, 2024)
Cao A., Shi F. and Bai B. (2022) A comparative review of hospitality and tourism innovation research in academic and trade journals. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 3790–3813. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-11-2021-1443 (accessed June 13, 2024)
Yallop A., Gică O., Moisescu O., Coroș M. and Séraphin H. (2023) The digital traveller: implications for data ethics and data governance in tourism and hospitality. Journal of Consumer Marketing. vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 155–170. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JCM-12-2020-4278 (accessed June 13, 2024)
SONUÇ N. (2020) Conformity of Hospitality Services to SDGs Related to Accessibility and Technology. Ruël H. and Lombarts A. (Ed.) Sustainable Hospitality Management (Advanced Series in Management, Vol. 24), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 119–136. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/S1877-636120200000024009 (accessed June 13, 2024)
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