The article is devoted to the definition of the concept of complex state power in assessing the military-economic component of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. Theoretical and methodological principles of determining the complex capacity of the state and its structural elements are studied. A comparative analysis of methods for assessing the potential of the military economy is given. The analysis of Ukrainian and foreign scientific publications revealed terminological differences in the definition of "complex State power". The key factor of the complex State power is the scientific and technical potential, which consists of (а) the state's ability to create advanced modern weapons and military equipment using the latest technologies, (b) the share of research and development in GDP, (c) the number of scientific and engineering personnel, (d) material technical base of scientific research, (e) the amount of state support through the financing of military-technical projects with public-private partnership enterprises.The study demonstrates the structural component of the complex capacity of the state, which consists of defense potential, scientific and technical, military, military-economic, social and moral, economic, political, and military-political potential. The article lists the state mechanisms for maintaining military power. The influential role of military-economic potential in the formation of complex State power is determined. The author's definition of military-economic potential is offered. The elements of potentials that make up the complex State power have been specified. When assessing the military-economic component of the security and defense sector, it is advisable to study the military-economic potential of the country and its impact on the overall complex State power. The architecture of the study of the structural elements of the complex State power is proposed for the possibility of further choosing the methodology for the study of the security and defense sector of Ukraine and its military-economic component. Structural analysis of the components of complex state power will make it possible to identify risk-sensitive components of the military economy, optimize the algorithm of potential research and determine the further competitive strategy for the development of the security and defense sector.
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