Keywords: green tourism, sustainable development, innovative technologies, management models, tourist destinations, environmental initiatives


The article is devoted to the topical issues of sustainable development of green tourism in today's conditions. The study analyzes the current state of green tourism, which is manifested by the growth in demand, development of environmental initiatives, and support from governments and international organizations. The main trends in green tourism are identified: sustainable development, technological innovations, and involvement of local communities. It is proposed to focus on the development of new management models that will ensure the introduction of innovative technologies to monitor and reduce the negative impact of tourism on the environment. The algorithm for the introduction of innovative technologies (geographic information systems and remote sensing, digital platforms and mobile applications, innovative waste and resource management systems) is systematized, which will contribute to the rapid development of green tourism in certain tourist destinations. It is proved that tourism development should take into account: environmental aspects: minimization of the ecological footprint of tourism activities, protection of natural landscapes, conservation of biodiversity and rational use of natural resources. Also, socio-cultural aspects: supporting local cultural traditions, ensuring social justice and involving local people in tourism activities; and economic aspects: creating sustainable economic opportunities for local communities, reducing economic inequality and improving the quality of life of local residents. It is established that the sustainable development of green tourism in modern conditions requires in-depth research and implementation of effective strategies that would ensure a harmonious balance between economic, environmental, social and cultural needs. The main directions for the development of green tourism are identified, namely: sustainable management practices, infrastructure development, raising environmental awareness and supporting social responsibility. Integration of environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects is a key task for achieving long-term sustainability in tourism.


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How to Cite
Zavarika, H., & Vydrenko, A. (2024). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF GREEN TOURISM IN AN ERA OF CHANGE. Economy and Society, (63).

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