Keywords: accounting, taxes, tax base, taxable object, base of taxation


The article examines the application of such mandatory elements of taxation as the object of taxation, the tax base and the base of taxation. The state of formation and receipt of tax payments to the state and local budgets directly depends on the characteristics of these elements. It is determined that the formation of tax revenues to budgets is functionally dependent on the indicators of the tax base and the level of its taxation, the tax rate and the structure of taxable objects. The author emphasizes that there are three elements involved in the calculation of taxes: the object of taxation, the tax base and the base of taxation. It is proposed to identify the tax base indicator in the system of tax elements as the basis for calculating the base of taxation. The author considers the interpretation of the tax base category as the basis for formation of the base of taxation and calculation of tax liabilities of taxpayers. As a result of the study, it is determined that the tax base is a cost, physical or any other characteristic of the taxable object available to the taxpayer, and the base of taxation is a part of the tax base which remains after deduction of tax adjustments in the amount which is not subject to taxation and to which the tax rate is directly applied. It is proved that the main tool for identifying taxable objects in the economic activities of taxpayers is accounting, for which they are the objects of reflection in the system of accounts. The author establishes that accounting, in the tax payment process, allows preventing risks and ensuring recognition of taxable objects, evaluating business transactions to create information resources on the tax base and tax base, and preparing financial and tax reports. It is believed that the formation of information on deferred taxes and tax adjustments to the tax base, the amount of which is not subject to taxation, should be carried out not in the accounting system, since this complicates the assessment of the balance sheet data of business entities, but in management accounting by the center of responsibility, where decisions on optimization of tax payments of the taxpayer are made.


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