Keywords: high-tech, international technology transfer, global high-tech market, technology commercialization, global technological competitiveness, innovators, innovations


The article is devoted to studying key global trends in the international technology transfer process. The main purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of the effectiveness of international technology transfer and to formulate priority areas for intensifying cooperation ties of Ukrainian companies in the field of technology exchange based on a comprehensive study of international technology transfer processes. An important aspect is the study of the analysed process in the context of the international competitiveness of national economies. Today, the determining factor of corporate competitiveness is participation in global economic networks. Therefore, it is extremely important to study the involvement of international corporations with the status of a leader in innovation processes in cooperative scientific and technological ties. Another important aspect in assessing the effectiveness of corporate innovation is participation in technology transfer, which determines the effectiveness of innovation commercialization. This indicator is the key to determining the effectiveness of the innovation activities of an international corporation. The article reveals the essence of international technology transfer using the methods of classification and systematization of modern theoretical concepts; the factors of international technology transfer and the degree of their influence on the innovation activity of an international company are considered. The authors have comprehensively studied the global trends in international technology transfer, which made it possible to identify the key trends in this process. The study analyses the strategies of international technology transfer of global leaders of innovative corporations; and assesses international technology transfer in the context of international competitiveness of national economies. It is important to assess the current position of Ukraine in the global technology market, which is the basis for identifying the problems and prospects of Ukraine's accession to global processes of international technology transfer.


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How to Cite
Chernytska , T., Ponomarenko , O., & Shvydanenko , V. (2024). INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS OF NATIONAL ECONOMIES. Economy and Society, (63).