Nowadays, competition is an integral part of the economic activity of any enterprise. It ensures continuous improvement of products and services, increases the efficiency of using existing resources, stimulates the creation of new enterprises and the scaling of existing ones, promotes the expansion of consumer choice and the development of new technologies. In addition, it allows for determining whether a business entity is able to compete with other players in a particular market. Due to its strengthening, as well as the growth of consumer needs, certain changes are occurring in the requirements for conducting business activities. New technologies, strategies, business models, and customer interaction tools are emerging, forcing companies to reconsider their current business practices and implement new ones in order to remain competitive in the market. With the emergence of new requirements for conducting business activities, there was a need to revise scientific definitions of the concept of “enterprise competitiveness” and identify new approaches to its interpretation. The purpose of writing this article is to conduct a content analysis of definitions of enterprise competitiveness and their systematization based on the identified approaches. In the process of carrying out this research, a list of methods was used, including deduction, content analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization. The obtained results showed that there are at least eight scientific approaches to interpreting the concept of “enterprise competitiveness”, which include: strategic, comparative, systemic, holistic-complex, complex-systemic, integrated, economical and product. Each of them reflects certain aspects of the enterprise’s competitiveness, some of which are the following: the use of a competitive strategy, the ability to perform work better than competitors, a set of interrelated elements, an inseparable ability, a complex-systemic and integrated characteristic of an enterprise, the ability to successfully compete and obtain economic benefits, the ability to produce and sell competitive products.
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