Keywords: marketing policy, assortment, products, service, sales system, market economy, diagnostics, enterprise, effective development


The article examines a number of issues related to the formation of the company's marketing policy as a basis for improving the sales system. It is indicated that today the market economy is differentiated by the constant increase of business entities, the growth of competition and the expansion of the range of products. It was found that businesses of all forms of ownership need to make the most of all available opportunities, resources and tools to encourage and retain consumers. It has been proven that the product or service provided or produced by the enterprise should be implemented as quickly and profitably as possible, taking into account all the advantages and wishes of the client in order to obtain the greatest benefit. Based on this, we can say that the priority task of any entrepreneur is to determine his condition, identify unused reserves and develop strategies for effective development and improvement of the sales system. It is important to develop the strategic development of the enterprise, while taking into account all possible factors of influence on it. Agricultural enterprises in the conditions of a changing market environment are in a difficult economic situation. This is influenced by a number of factors: low material and technical security of agriculture; unsatisfactory legislative framework; insufficient level of financial support for agricultural production; the influence of natural factors on the level of crop yield and productivity of livestock and poultry. Thus, managers of agricultural enterprises must try to minimize the impact of negative phenomena existing in the agricultural sector on the overall efficiency of the activities of these enterprises and use all the opportunities for development provided by the external environment. The urgency of forming an effective marketing policy for agricultural enterprises consists in optimizing the product range in accordance with market requirements, developing new or improving existing products, improving the quality of products and services, and establishing a service system. An effective marketing product policy of agricultural enterprises must meet the requirements and needs of consumers, as well as take into account the influence of the factors of the marketing environment, especially under the conditions of its dynamic changes.


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How to Cite
Hryshchenko, A. (2024). DIAGNOSTIC STUDY OF THE FORMATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MARKETING POLICY AT THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-75