Keywords: international marketing, international marketing management, organizational management structures, foreign economic activity


The article proves that in the context of growing competition and rapid dynamics of changes in the global economy, the development of modern business is impossible without taking into account global trends and active participation in international markets. The paper highlights the main directions of development of the international marketing system and its tools. It is also determined that international marketing management is not only a management function, but also a key strategic tool that allows companies to successfully compete in the global market. The article substantiates the creation of a marketing mechanism for regulating foreign economic activity, which is aimed at stimulating companies to improve the quality of products for competitive entry into foreign markets. It is also proved that in marketing-oriented companies, marketing management is considered a key function, since it reflects the priority of directing all departments of the company to meet the needs of customers and ensure their satisfaction. Therefore, the marketing department plays a key role in forming a strategy for orienting the production and sale of products or services. The article allocates various aspects that the marketing department takes into account in the process of implementing marketing activities to enter the foreign market. The paper determines that in the context of globalization and ever-growing competition, the importance of the organizational structure of international marketing management is becoming crucial for the successful operation of companies in international markets. Such structures should take into account the specifics of international business, ensure effective communication and information exchange between different departments and geographical markets, and stimulate innovation and continuous improvement of strategies. Based on this, the author allocates types of organizational structure of companies operating in international markets, where each of these types of structures has its advantages and disadvantages. A comparative characterization of the types of organizational structures for managing international marketing by the main types of foreign economic activity is provided. It is emphasized that an increase in the volume of international trade may require a revision of the organizational structure of a company, especially with regard to the management of international activities.


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How to Cite
Danyliuk, T., & Bondaruk , V. (2024). FEATURES OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-51