The article is devoted to highlighting methodical approaches to assessing the financial potential of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to improve the methodological principles of assessing the financial potential of enterprises. It was established that the existing methodical approaches to the assessment of the financial potential of the enterprise can be combined into two groups: assessment of the level of potential based on the use of financial indicators and cost assessment of the financial potential of the enterprise. The main structural components of the assessment of the financial potential of enterprises are defined. The main methodological approaches to assessing the financial potential of enterprises are characterized: resource, performance, factor, value, comparative, expert-point, rating, market, cost, income, integral, method of taxonomic analysis, coefficient. It was established that none of the methodical approaches to assessing the financial potential of enterprises is universal and has its own shortcomings. The main problems of assessing the financial potential of enterprises are defined. The need to develop a methodology for comprehensive assessment of the financial potential of the enterprise is substantiated. The proposed method of comprehensive assessment of the financial potential of enterprises involves the calculation of indicators for assessing the financial potential of enterprises and the determination of the level of the financial potential of enterprises. The system of indicators for assessing the financial potential of enterprises includes: indicators of the financial stability of the enterprise; solvency and liquidity indicators of the enterprise; profitability indicators of the enterprise; indicators of business activity of the enterprise. Based on the calculated indicators for assessing the financial potential of enterprises, the level of financial potential is determined: a high level of financial potential of the enterprise – the enterprise's activity is profitable, the financial situation is stable; the average level of the company's financial potential – the company is financially unstable; low level of financial potential of the enterprise – the enterprise is unprofitable, financially unstable, close to bankruptcy.
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