Keywords: accounting, taxes, objects, functions, control


The article substantiates that due to the need to generate tax payments for the needs of the state and local communities, taxpayers have accounting objects related to business taxation. It is noted that taxpayers face the issues of interconnection of tax calculations and reporting with accounting and consistency of accounting and tax accounting rules for the mechanism of reflection of business transactions related to taxation. The author emphasises the particular relevance of the need to study the problems of accounting support in the system of prevention and detection of tax evasion. With a view to assessing the role of accounting in the taxation system, the author identifies the need to study the impact of historical changes in taxes and their objects on the organisation of the accounting process by taxpayers. The author allocates 8 main historical stages of changes in accounting principles for reflecting tax-related business transactions in accounting. It is established that at the stage of the birth of the tax system of Ukraine, taxes were formed on the basis of information resources of accounting, from 1997 to 2015, taxable objects were calculated according to the rules of tax accounting, and since 2015, the tax system has been excluded from the autonomous tax mechanism. It is determined that the development of accounting in the taxation system will be influenced by the planned improvements to the tax policy in accordance with the National Revenue Strategy of Ukraine regarding electronic audit, elimination of the simplified taxation system, restoration of the progressive scale of personal income tax rates, and application of instant full depreciation of assets. The formation of accounting as the main tool in the system of preventing and detecting the concealment of objects and the tax base and tax payments in the current environment should be determined by its functions: evaluation, protection, information, distribution, control and analytical. Having understood and filled the accounting functions with the appropriate content in relation to the needs of taxation, it is possible to create in its system of methods and procedures the necessary mechanisms for preventing and detecting the facts of concealment of objects and tax base and non-payment of tax payments.


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