Keywords: biofuels, biomass, alternative energy sources, development, martial law, agro-industrial complex, sustainable development


The article discusses the prospects for the development of biofuel production in Ukraine under martial law. The advantages of the introduction of biomass energy conversion technologies for energy, ecology and the economy of the country are studied. The potential of Ukraine in the field of bioenergy is analyzed, in particular, the possibility of replacing natural gas at the expense of agricultural waste. It is considered that the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine has significant potential for the production of bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas and solid biofuels from agricultural waste and energy crops. The development of the biofuel industry will help reduce dependence on oil and gas imports, create new jobs, support economic growth and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The agricultural sector of Ukraine has significant potential for increasing energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy sources, which can ensure energy independence not only of the industry, but also of the country as a whole. The development of the biofuel market is one of the state's priorities for ensuring Ukraine's energy independence in the conditions of military operations and reconstruction. An important component of the successful development of the biofuel industry is support from the state and international organizations interested in the development of renewable energy sources. Given the potential of Ukraine's agro-industrial sector, the development of the biofuel market can become a key element of the country's energy security strategy, especially in the face of military challenges. The development of biofuels in Ukraine will not only help reduce the use of natural gas and fuel imports, but will also create new opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector and support of the country's economy. In the conditions of martial law, where energy security becomes even more urgent, it is important to consider biofuel as a strategic resource that can ensure the stability and independence of the country in the energy sphere.


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