The degree of achievement of public policy objectives in the relevant area is revealed through the performance indicators of budget programs, which are used to assess the effectiveness of public finance management in the areas of use of budget funds, including the effectiveness of public services. The current composition of the performance indicators of budget programs does not ensure the transparency of the budget process in terms of disclosure of information on the effectiveness of the use of budget funds. In order to ensure transparency and openness of budget managers and increase the efficiency of public finance management, it is important to modernize the system of performance indicators of budget programs. The purpose of the article is to determine the main directions of reforming the indicators of budget programs for transparency in the use of budget funds by public sector entities and increase the efficiency of public finance management. The method of system analysis, methods of cause-and-effect analysis, tabular method were used. It is proved that the current composition of performance indicators of budget programs does not ensure transparency of the budget process in terms of interpretation of information on the effectiveness of the use of budget funds. This made it possible to identify areas for improvement of budget programs through the disclosure of information on the amount and structure of expenditures and additions such as "cost price of public services", which will allow key budget managers, citizens and other interested users to obtain the necessary relevant accounting and analytical information on public expenditures. depending on their economic content and purpose. This approach will ensure the disclosure of information on the volume, direction and economic characteristics of public expenditures and will establish their comparability with the budget program and the degree of achievement of public policy goals in the relevant field, which will correspond to the ideology of program-target method in the budget process.
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