Keywords: human capital, efficiency, digitalization of work, innovation, labour productivity


Modern global trends in the management of business processes of enterprises, the spread of digitalization of labour and new forms of employment, necessitate increasing the efficiency of human capital, which is crucial for their business operations and development. In the context of digitalization, effective management and development of human capital helps enterprises to use technology more efficiently, adapt to changes, and ensure sustainability and efficiency of their operations. The digitalization of work implies the use of the modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, cloud computing, etc. Employees with digital competence can use these technologies more efficiently, which is important for optimizing processes and increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to assess the efficiency of human capital use in modern conditions by various dimensions that take into account labour productivity and employment, innovation activity and development of knowledge-intensive industries. These dimensions combine the following indicators: labour productivity; average wage; employment rate of the population aged 15-70; output of innovative products (goods, services) sold per 1 employee; innovation costs per 1 innovation-active enterprise; share of enterprises that have implemented innovations; share of researchers in the total number of employees involved in research and development; research and development costs per 1 employee. The developed methodology provides the normalization of indicators by the main determination of their growth rates in the relevant periods. The Index of human capital utilization efficiency and its components are calculated based on the geometric mean of the growth rate of the indicators and the corresponding partial indices. The results of the analysis show that the efficiency of human capital use in 2012-2021 was mostly low. This was mainly influenced by the low level of innovation activity of domestic enterprises, both in terms of the growth of innovative products (goods, services) sold and the growth rate of innovation costs. The low efficiency of human capital use in the period under study indicates the need to introduce digital solutions, spread the processes of labour digitalization, and develop of the digital infrastructure.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, I., & Tkachuk, A. (2024). EFFICIENCY ESTIMATION OF HUMAN CAPITAL USE IN UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF LABOUR DIGITALIZATION. Economy and Society, (63). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-63-35