This scientific work is dedicated to the study of contemporary migration processes in Ukraine over the last two decades, enhancing the understanding of the motives and characteristics of these migration processes. It examines four main stages of migration, starting from the early period after the country's independence and ending with the current wartime period. The primary objectives of the study are to map the current migration situation in Ukraine and its impact on the country's economic indicators, such as GDP, employment, inflation, and the investment climate. Additionally, the study places significant importance on examining the impact of mass labor migration on the social sphere of the state. To achieve the research goals, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is used, including statistical analysis and expert interviews. The findings of the study indicate that the ongoing war in Ukraine has led to serious economic and social consequences. The reduction in the population and workforce has resulted in a decline in demand and production volumes, as well as decreased tax revenues. The deficit, lack of investment, and limited export opportunities have further exacerbated these problems. The war in Ukraine has severe social and economic consequences for the country, necessitating a range of immediate measures to mitigate these effects. A system of measures aimed at supporting the country's social and economic development must be developed, including steps to attract investments, develop businesses, create jobs, and modernize and rebuild critical infrastructure. The main goals of these measures should be to preserve the workforce, attract foreign investments, and improve the quality of life for society. The results of the study will be valuable for policymakers, researchers, and entrepreneurs interested in understanding how migration affects the socio-economic situation of the country. The proposed recommendations can be used by the government in developing effective policies aimed at mitigating the negative impact.
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