Keywords: integration potential, agricultural producers, integration ties, agro-industrial integration, institutional environment, factors of influence, competitiveness


The scientific article is devoted to the study of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of formation of the integration potential of agricultural producers in Ukraine. The relevance of the study is stipulated by the need to increase the competitiveness of domestic agricultural enterprises in the domestic and world markets by intensifying integration processes in the industry. The aim of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations and substantiate practical aspects of the formation and realization of the integration potential of agricultural producers. The study uses a set of general scientific and special research methods: critical analysis of theoretical concepts of integration processes, systematization and classification of forms of integration ties, identification and typologization of influence factors, structural and logical analysis and generalization. The article systematizes and classifies various forms of integration ties in the agricultural sector of Ukraine by the direction of processes, the nature of ties and sectoral specifics. The endogenous and exogenous factors of formation of the integration potential of enterprises, stimulating and restraining factors of this process are identified and classified. The necessity of improving the institutional environment for the development of integration processes through the formation of an integrated regulatory framework, development of an effective institutional infrastructure and implementation of the best international practices is substantiated. An important conceptual guideline for institutional transformations should be the formation of a comprehensive regulatory framework aimed at stimulating various forms of integration interaction in the industry (legislative consolidation of the status and principles of functioning of agro-industrial clusters, rules for the activities of vertically and horizontally integrated structures, etc.) The results obtained are of practical value for the development of scientifically based approaches to improving the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and strengthening its competitive position in international markets.


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