Keywords: agro-industrial cluster, financial support, diversification of funding sources, state support, international technical assistance, financial flow management, optimization of the funding structure, modeling, optimization methods


The relevance of the research topic is stipulated by the need to develop scientifically sound approaches to the financial support of agro-industrial clusters as an effective tool for increasing the competitiveness and innovative development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy. The practical implementation of cluster initiatives faces the challenge of a lack of financial resources at all stages of the cluster life cycle. The purpose of the study is to develop conceptual foundations and theoretical and practical recommendations for the formation of an integrated approach to financial support for the development of agro-industrial clusters in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study is based on general scientific and special research methods: systematization and generalization - to study the theoretical foundations of cluster financing, modeling - to develop conceptual approaches to diversifying sources of financing, optimization methods - to form an optimal structure of financial sources, abstraction and formalization - to determine the principles of financial flows management within cluster formations. The study systematizes potential sources of financing for agroclusters according to the stages of their development. The mechanisms of state financial assistance are substantiated, and the role of international technical assistance in financing cluster projects is revealed. The conceptual framework for introducing an effective system of financial flows management within a cluster formation is proposed. A model of diversification of sources of financing for the development of agroclusters and an algorithm for the formation of their optimal structure based on mathematical modeling and optimization methods have been developed. The practical value of the obtained results lies in the formation of theoretical and methodological foundations and the development of practical recommendations for the integrated combination of various sources of financial resources and the formation of an effective system of financial flow management to ensure the sustainable development of agro-industrial clusters in Ukraine.


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