Keywords: foresight methods, foresight principles, scenario planning, foresight visionary, foresight types, development scenarios


The article is devoted to the consideration of topical problems of the use of foresight methods to determine the state, scale and nature of innovative changes in the future. It substantiates the importance of applying the main methods for foresight-vision in determining the milestones of development of enterprises, their groups and entire states, since this approach allows to predict with high accuracy the development of social needs at the macro- and mesoeconomic levels, especially high-tech enterprises. It is emphasized that the methods of foresight of the future development of any objects allow not only to systematize the existing facts of development, but also to analyze large amounts of information on these objects, to determine trends and possible innovations in the future to increase the efficiency of enterprises and states. The application of foresight methods allows enterprises to more accurately identify potential risks and opportunities for positive changes arising from future transformations in the technological, economic and socio-cultural environment. Attention is drawn to the fact that these methods have long been used to predict the development of technology and technology in the USA, EU countries, Korea, Japan, Canada, while Ukrainian scientists also widely use foresight methods to predict the development of technology and technology, social changes and economic changes. It is recommended to use a wide range of foresight methods that are required when predicting changes in enterprises, among such methods the most important are: the method of "expert panels," the Method of developing scenarios, the Delphi method and others. The use of foresight methods will help enterprises to be more flexible and timely adapt to changes in the economic environment and ensure sustainability and competitiveness in the future. This approach will help businesses to be more flexible and adaptive to changes in their economic environment and ensure their sustainability and competitiveness in the future and also create such new consumer qualities of new products that will become familiar in the future.


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How to Cite
Kukoba, V., & Tymoshenko , O. (2024). BASIC METHODS OF FORESIGHT-VISIONARY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (62).