Keywords: principles, project, innovation, development, innovative development, project-oriented management


The article structured and provided the essence of the principles of project-oriented management of innovative development of the national economy. The main goal of this work is identification and disclosure of the principles of project-oriented management of innovative development of the national economy. It is noted that one of the ways to improve the competitiveness of the national economy is to work ahead of the curve, which consists in the formation of new knowledge and tools of project-oriented management methodology. This methodology is a holistic and comprehensive approach to managing the innovative development of the national economy, taking into account the influence of a turbulent external environment. This circumstance led to the extension of the project management methodology to the sphere of general economic processes. The application of project-oriented management as a necessary theoretical and methodological basis for the methodology of project-oriented management of the innovative development of the national economy has been substantiated. To accomplish the tasks of the work, the following scientific methods were used: scientific research and generalization for determining the main principles of project-oriented management of innovative development of the national economy; a comparative method in the process of analyzing the systemic, functional, process, situational, institutional and synergetic approaches to understanding the nature of the innovative development of the national economy. The logical relationships of the main components of such a methodology are highlighted and shown: knowledge (information, skills, norms, laws, categories), principles, processes, tools (methods, techniques, means, procedures, techniques). Taking into account that the latest version of the PMBOK standard will be based on principles, and not on processes, principles should be an important component of the methodology of project-oriented management of innovative development of the national economy. The necessity of applying the principle of two-circuit control has been proved. This principle provides for the recombination of the principles of the control mechanism for its two interrelated components. Namely, separately for the formation of a mechanism for project-oriented management of innovative development and separately for its implementation. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the goals of innovative development projects.


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