The article is devoted to actual theoretical and applied aspects of the study of educational inequality, its place in the system of global problems of the world economy. It is a well-known fact that for a long time education is one of the most important institutions of modern society, the sphere of formation, transfer, assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities, social experience and life values, has a significant impact on the future of young people and determines the prospects and opportunities for their professional employment , the level of competitiveness in the labor market. The work draws attention to the determining importance of education in socio-economic development and reproduction of social order in society. Today, the legitimacy of educational inequality is generally recognized and takes place in every society, and the inequality in the distribution of key social resources (opportunities, means and reserves that are in use by society and which it can demand to ensure its own social life and livelihood) is one of its main consequences . The authors' approaches to the interpretation of the category "inequality" were studied, its types (economic, social, political and ethno-cultural) were distinguished; properties of socio-economic inequality are considered. It is noted that educational inequality is one of the reasons for social stratification - the differentiation/stratification of society into social classes and strata of the population; their arrangement from top to bottom in strata (horizontal layers) based on inequality in the level of education, income, property, professional prestige, lifestyle, etc. Attention is drawn to the difficulty of confirming and physically measuring all manifestations of inequality, and the fact that among all types of inequality, the most measurable is economic inequality, which is determined mostly by the level of income. The socio-economic components of the problem of educational inequality are considered; the factors contributing to the reproduction of educational inequality (individual and structural or "ascription" characteristics) are singled out; socio-economic and cultural factors that are the causes of educational expansion are organized.
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