Keywords: секторальна структура економіки, аgrarian sphere, innovation, agricultural production, rural areas, chains of added value, sectoral structure of the economy


The impact of innovations on the efficiency and competitiveness of «AGRANA Fruit Ukraine» LLC and its products on the European market and beyond was analyzed. The theoretical foundations of the company's commercial success are revealed, the principles of organization and management of its development are analyzed. The conclusion is substantiated that the change in the sectoral structure of the national economy is possible due to the increase in the value-added chains of individual agricultural productions, as well as due to the introduction of a system of innovations in agricultural production, which will ensure an increase in labor productivity, production efficiency, support of high product quality, and as a result - product competitiveness and domestic enterprises in the world market of goods and services. The directions of product diversification of the company were analyzed. The evolution of its modernization, technical and technological development is highlighted. It is emphasized that the overall development of the company is subordinated to the corporate strategy, which consists in growth, efficiency and stable business practices of constantly increasing the added value of the company, combining sustainable business practices with commercial, environmental and social responsibility in the entire chain. It was concluded that «AGRANA Fruit Ukraine» LLC is an example of effective development through modernization of production, product certification, branding of a wide range of products of own production, as well as development and promotion of the corporate brand. It is emphasized that the agrarian sphere of Ukraine needs transformational changes in terms of increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural production and socio-economic development of rural areas, and the AGRANA company is an example of the implementation of these changes in practice.


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How to Cite
Germaniuk, N. (2024). «AGRANA FRUIT»: INNOVATIVE EXPERIENCE OF DEVELOPING AN AGRICULTURAL COMPLEX IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-126