Keywords: project, investment, investment activity, investment project


The article states the relevance of using the project approach as one of the innovative and effective tools for quick response to solving emerging problems. It is the use of this toolkit that provides a clear definition of the results to be obtained from the implementation of the project; planning of works, determination of their duration, cost, sequence of their execution; composition of project participants and their roles; efficiency and transparency of costs and project budget formation; identification, assessment and rational distribution of risks among all its participants, etc. An important task of business entities at the current stage is the activation of investment activity, and the investment project is the means of investment implementation and, accordingly, the investment resources involved in the process. The article examines the features of the state and the main trends in the implementation of investment projects in modern conditions. The state of implementation of investment projects at all levels in recent years has been studied, the main trends of this process have been determined, and the main factors influencing it have been identified. At the national level, the most priority areas of activity regarding the implementation of state investment projects were determined, in particular, this is the area of health care and transport infrastructure, and their analysis was carried out in terms of quantity, cost and costs by year for each area of activity. At the regional level, an analysis of the state of implementation of investment projects was carried out for the researched period in terms of quantitative and value parameters, as well as by belonging to the industry and the number by region. Kirovohrad, Dnipropetrovsk, and Odesa regions are the leaders among regions in terms of the number of projects during 2022-2023. It is worth noting the fact that in 2023, almost a third of the projects were aimed at the reconstruction of Ukraine. At the enterprise level, the most active domestic companies implementing investment projects were determined and their nature was clarified. In this cohort, the most active are: the Kyivstar company, the Khlibni Investments group of companies, the national energy company Naftogaz of Ukraine, the Nova Poshta company, and others.


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