Capital management at an enterprise is a complex process that includes the strategic allocation and use of resources in order to ensure financial stability and achieve the enterprise's strategic goals. The main goal of capital management at the enterprise is to optimize its structure to increase the value of the enterprise and meet the need for financing in various areas of the enterprise. This process involves managing different types of capital, including equity, debt and earnings, to ensure maximum efficiency and sustainability. The main sources of capital financing of the enterprise, which are classified into external (sale of shares and bonds, long-term and short-term credits and loans, interest and dividends from securities of other issuers, insurance indemnities) and internal (net profit of the enterprise, depreciation deductions, funds received from the sale assets, permanent liabilities). The following approaches are offered to successfully attract capital, namely: use of own funds to expand market participation; use of all available funding sources for the implementation of promising innovative programs; receiving donor funds by large companies that use motor transport services; cross financing. The availability of own working capital of the investigated motor vehicle enterprise in 2022 decreased compared to previous years. In 2022, the availability of own and long-term loan sources of working capital formation increased. The total value of the main sources of working capital formation in 2022 also increased compared to 2020. Thus, the company's liquidity indicators demonstrate positive dynamics, which indicates an increase in solvency. However, they remain below the standards set by the company. An increase in the liquidity of the motor vehicle enterprise is possible due to an increase in own working capital, primarily funds and short-term financial injections. Therefore, the management of the capital formation of the enterprise requires the development of a modern mechanism that integrates strategies, tools and processes. This mechanism is aimed at optimizing the use of capital, ensuring financial stability, maximizing profitability and increasing the value of the company.
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