The article explores the concept of managerial information quality in the context of academic research and international standards. The analysis of scholars' approaches to studying quality and the role of managerial reporting has established that the quality of management accounting information can be understood as a set of consumer characteristics that objectively exist and reflect the resources consumed at each stage of the accounting process. The definition of this information's quality also depends on its ability to meet the informational needs of various user groups involved in decision-making. The author substantiates the role of managerial information in the decision-making system and the implementation of business processes within the company. In today's world, where customer relationship management (CRM) plays a crucial role in strategic planning and daily operations, the quality of managerial reporting becomes critical for successful business management. CRM systems, integrated with management accounting systems, provide a comprehensive understanding of customers, enabling management to make informed and timely decisions. Given this, the relevance of researching the quality of managerial reporting formed using CRM systems is extremely high. Managerial reporting is an important tool for leaders at all levels, as it affects strategic planning, monitoring of operations, and assessment of productivity. From the perspective of relevance, improving the quality of this reporting can significantly enhance management efficiency, reduce costs, and increase overall customer satisfaction. The article reveals the essence of CRM systems and their capabilities within the context of accounting processes. Arguments are presented in favor of integrating CRM system data into management accounting systems for reporting purposes, which will ensure a high level of analytical insight into accounting data and enhance their quality. As a result, key parameters of the impact of CRM system data on improving information quality in the management accounting system have been formulated.
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