Keywords: motivation, theory of motivation, scientific approach to the interpretation of the concept of , content theories of motivation, procedural theories of motivation, motivational theories of the field, digitization


The relevance of the study is due to changes in the functional role of a person in economic activity and the imperatives that determine his behavior, with dynamic changes in production factors in modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to research theories of motivation at the current stage of development. To achieve the goal, the methods of theoretical and logical generalization and content analysis were used. The article examines scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "motivation" from the point of view of their disadvantages and advantages. Understanding motivation through the prism of economic and administrative approaches in modern conditions is ineffective, as labor operations of employees lose their routine character and become intellectualized. As a result, the motivational policy of modern enterprises should be based on the internal motivation of employees. It is substantiated that the evolutionary development of theories of motivation took place by shifting the focus of attention of scientists from unsatisfied needs, which is reflected in content theories of motivation, to how a person determines a certain model of behavior to achieve goals, which is reflected in procedural theories of motivation, and recognition of the decisive role of the external environment , which became the reason for the formation of a separate direction - field theory. According to the motivational theories of the field, the introduction of digital technologies in all spheres of human life creates challenges, creates a certain tension, the condition for relieving which is their assimilation. The introduction of modern digital technologies conditions the intellectualization of work, as a result of which the motives and incentives of employees, which are the basis of the motivational policy of economic entities, change. The practical interest of the research results is due to the fact that understanding the change of the motivational paradigm in modern conditions through a critical understanding of the evolutionary development of motivation theories will contribute to increasing the efficiency of using the competence potential of living labor in modern conditions.


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How to Cite
Shatalova, L. (2024). A MODERN VIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORK MOTIVATION THEORIES. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-164