Keywords: neo-industrialization, industrialization, economic development, economic growth, industry development


The article summarizes the theoretical and methodological economic development principles and evolution. It was established that the defining stages of growth were industrialization, deindustrialization, reindustrialization, and neo-industrialization. The purpose of the article is to explore the economic growth evolution, focusing on the stage of neo-industrialization as a key element of the sixth technological order. It is stated that it includes the formation of conditions for the transition to the high-tech stage of economic growth and the advantages of choosing the processes of neo-industrialization as a strategic vector of the development of the national economy. It is noted that the emergence of neo-industrialization changed approaches to economic development, ensured the emergence of new technologies, which are now called technological and even strategic sectors of the economy. Attention is paid to the aspects and advantages of neo-industrialization are given in modern scientific researches, in particular domestic scientists, which reveal not only the advantages of advanced technologies, but also other features that accompany neo-industrial trends. The problems of neo-industrialization are linked with the significant, revolutionary development of new innovative technologies, the active use of ICT, the possibilities of digitization of relations and processes, etc. It is noted that there is a necessity to include a certain sequence in the strategic priorities of neo-industrialization. The first is the development of the industrial sector based on innovation and technology. After that, there is the expansion of the domestic market and import substitution. Then, the expansion and realization of export potential occurs. The final position is the improvement of the position of the national economy in the system of international division of labour. It was determined that basic factors for ensuring the transition of the national economy to a neo-industrial type of development in the country are required. They include the formation of industrial capital, guaranteeing the economic security of technological modernization processes, strengthening technological competitiveness, developing and expanding the capacity of the domestic market, building up and realizing export potential, should be involved. strengthening interregional, intermunicipal, branch and sectoral integration.


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