Keywords: business process, management, enterprise, approaches to modelling, efficiency


Business process modelling is a key element of effective enterprise management, which is of particular relevance in today's competitive market environment. This study is aimed at revealing the importance of business process modelling for optimising management decisions. The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of business process modelling on improving the efficiency of enterprise management and to develop methodological recommendations for its implementation. The study is based on a systematic analysis of modern methods of business process modelling and their impact on management decisions. The study uses an approach that includes an analysis of literary and scientific sources, empirical analysis of specific cases of enterprises that have an impact on the effectiveness of management decisions. The main hypothesis of the study is that system modelling of business processes contributes to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. The article systemises existing approaches to modelling business processes, assesses their effectiveness on the example of specific enterprises, generalises their impact on optimisation of management decisions, and develops recommendations on introduction of business process modelling into management practice. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development of scientific approaches to modelling business processes. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the developed recommendations at enterprises to improve their efficiency The originality of the study lies in an integrated approach to the analysis and modelling of business processes, which allows to improve the accuracy of management decisions. The main conclusions and practical value of the article are to confirm the hypothesis about the positive impact of modelling on the efficiency of enterprise management. Prospects for further research include expanding the empirical base and studying the impact of business process modelling in various industries. The limitations of the study are the specificity of the sample of enterprises, which may affect the generalisation of the results


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How to Cite
Kononenko , Z., Sharavara, R., & Yakovenko, T. (2024). BUSINESS PROCESS MODELLING AS A COMPONENT OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (62).