The article examines the directions of strategic cost management at agricultural enterprises. Attention is focused on the relevance of this topic in the context of rising production costs, changes in demand and consumer preferences, as well as increased competition in the market. The main tasks of strategic cost management are defined, which include setting clear goals, conducting a comprehensive cost analysis, developing a cost optimization strategy, implementing measures to reduce costs, and monitoring and evaluating results. It is emphasized that the introduction of an effective system of strategic cost management can help agricultural enterprises reduce the cost of production, increase competitiveness, increase investment attractiveness and create a sustainable basis for long-term development. It has been established that strategic cost management at agricultural enterprises is an important element of successful activity in the agricultural sector. With the help of properly constructed cost management strategies, enterprises can achieve cost optimization, increase production efficiency and competitiveness in the market. The main directions of strategic cost management include analysis and control of costs, implementation of technologies to reduce costs, optimization of the supply chain, as well as the search for new sources of savings. Enterprises that successfully implement strategic cost management have the opportunity to maintain financial stability, ensure high quality products, and also ensure sustainable development in the field of agriculture. An important component of effective cost management is constant monitoring and analysis of the results of strategies. It was determined that strategic cost management at agricultural enterprises is a key element for achieving sustainable development, optimizing production processes, and increasing market competitiveness. Careful planning, analysis and implementation of cost management strategies allow enterprises to effectively manage resources and achieve set goals.
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