Keywords: innovative marketing, agricultural enterprises, martial law, digital promotion channels, information technology


The article analyses the challenges and opportunities for innovative marketing of agricultural enterprises under martial law in Ukraine. The article systematically presents data on the complex challenges faced by agricultural enterprises, including the economic crisis caused by military aggression and the pandemic, and considers strategies for rapid adaptation to new conditions. The main aspects of adapting marketing strategies to changing market conditions are outlined, in particular, how innovations affect the competitiveness and efficiency of enterprise management. The potential for investment attractiveness is outlined and options for optimising innovative marketing approaches that can help agricultural enterprises not only survive but also thrive in the new environment are developed. The article analyses the role of information and communication technologies in providing agricultural enterprises with the necessary resources for conducting efficient operations. The article also focuses on innovative communication and marketing tools, the importance of the analytical process of identifying market opportunities, and the integration of marketing initiatives into the overall strategy of innovative development of the enterprise. Considerable attention is paid to a detailed study of the demand, tastes and preferences of innovative consumers, which is critical for adapting innovative product offers to market requirements. The key directions for further research in the field of innovative marketing for agricultural enterprises, which are determined by market needs and peculiarities of economic development in the post-conflict period, are identified. The article concludes with an analysis of innovation marketing as a key component of management of agrarian enterprises in the context of social change, as well as the importance of digital marketing, which includes various promotion channels for the effectiveness of innovation activities. The outlined strategies and tactics are considered as a necessity for ensuring the long-term survival and development of agricultural enterprises in conflict and changing market conditions.


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How to Cite
Zmiievets, D., & Pronko, L. (2024). INNOVATIVE MARKETING OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Economy and Society, (62).