Keywords: public debt, internal debt, external debt, deficit, debt obligations, dynamics


Ukraine's public debt in the context of the armed conflict is multifaceted and systemic. The military conflict leads to a significant increase in defense spending, which creates an excessive financial burden on the country's budget. The existing and growing external debt of Ukraine requires a qualitative assessment, which will allow, in turn, to analyze its impact on all aspects of the country's economic life The structure of public and publicly guaranteed debt traditionally reflects the predominance of external debt, which accounts for 64.12% of the total. As of the end of 2022, external debt amounted to 62.59% of public debt and 80.07% of publicly guaranteed debt. Analyzing the data from 2019 to 2024, it should be emphasized that the total amount of public and publicly guaranteed debt increased by more than 174% during this period. This growth is the result of an increase in both public debt by 193.37% and publicly guaranteed debt by 36.2%. The data indicate a significant increase in the financial weight of the state's debt obligations and its guarantees during the period. The peculiarity of the debt burden situation in Ukraine is its extraordinary conditions for attracting debt obligations as a result of the outbreak of a full-scale war. This situation is characterized by an unprecedented opportunity to obtain loans and provide preferential terms for a long period of time. The reasons for this lie in the desire of leading democratic countries and international financial institutions to support Ukraine, which has suffered from unprovoked Russian aggression. Over the past 5 years, Ukraine's total public debt has increased by 2.8 times, from UAH 1998295.9 million in 2019 to UAH 5519505.7 million as of February 29, 2024. The largest increase in debt occurred in 2022, when it increased by 52.1% compared to 2021. In view of the above, the overall analysis of the public debt indicates the need to closely monitor financial indicators and develop strategies aimed at ensuring sustainable economic growth and reducing public debt to an acceptable level. The overall analysis of the public debt points to the need for systematic monitoring of debt security indicators.


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How to Cite
Romanovska , Y., & Smoliar, L. (2024). ANALYSIS OF UKRAINE’S STATE DEBT IN TIMES OF WAR. Economy and Society, (62).

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