Keywords: trade and economic cooperation, USMCA, Ukraine, USA, export, import, trade


The article is devoted to the study of the current state and prospects for the development of Ukraine's trade and economic relations with the USMCA countries, cooperation with which is a strategically important issue of Ukraine's foreign relations. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that the USMCA forms the largest free trade zone in the world with a combined GDP of about $30 trillion. Its members are powerful world economies capable of influencing many economic and political processes, and the presence of the trade block and policy vectors of its countries directly affects to the world system. Thereby, any crises within the alliance can have global consequences, especially in the context of the aggravation of geopolitical conflicts in the world, in particular, the russian-Ukrainian war, the confrontation with China, and the Arab-Israeli war. In addition, for the Ukrainian state, this topic is relevant due to the growing role of the USA and Canadian strategic partnership. In fact, the amount of financial, military, and humanitarian aid provided by these countries is huge, in particular, the total amount of USA aid to Ukraine as of April 2024, it amounted to $175 billion, and Canada's - 7 billion Canadian dollars. It should be noted that as a result of russia's full-scale war against Ukraine and the century-long efforts of the aggressor country to destroy our state, trade and economic ties with the russian federation have almost been destroyed. Until the period of the full-scale war, russia was an important foreign economic partner of Ukraine, even despite the occupation of Crimea and the war in the east of the country. Therefore, today Ukraine needs to look for new sales and supply markets that will replace the markets of the russian federation, and the markets of USMCA member countries are an excellent alternative. Especially because the civilized world does not seek to maintain or deepen trade and economic ties with the russian federation. The purpose of the study is to determine perspectives and form practical recommendations regarding trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and the USMCA countries. The following research methods were used in the work: analysis, classification, abstraction, systematic, historical, and graphic methods. As a result of the study, prospects, and ways to improve export-import cooperation of Ukraine with the USMCA countries were identified, and factors slowing down the development of such cooperation were also identified. The practical value of the research lies in the fact that its results can be applied in the formation of the state foreign economic policy of Ukraine and the search by Ukrainian enterprises for new sales and supply markets.


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How to Cite
Ladychenko, K., & Troian, I. (2024). WAYS OF DEEPENING TRADE AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF UKRAINE WITH USMCA COUNTRIES. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-72