Keywords: accommodation facilities, bar, service, personalization, hotel


The article is dedicated to addressing issues related to the enhancement and implementation of a personalized approach to guest service in hotel bars. The paper presents an analytical review of a diverse range of strategies, methods, and techniques aimed at optimizing service processes and improving communication efficiency with guests in the hospitality industry. This work explores modern trends in bar service, including the use of innovative methods and approaches to personalize interactions with guests. It delves into various contemporary strategies that are revolutionizing the hospitality industry, such as the implementation of advanced technology and data analytics to enhance the personalized service experience. These trends not only aim to meet but exceed guest expectations, thereby fostering a deeper connection between the establishment and its patrons. The article delves deeper into the importance of personalized service in enhancing the guest experience. Personalization in service is not merely a trend but a necessity in today's competitive hospitality industry. By tailoring services to meet individual guest preferences and needs, hotel bars can significantly improve guest satisfaction and loyalty. This involves training staff to recognize and respond to the unique needs of each guest, using advanced technologies to gather and analyze guest data, and implementing systems that facilitate personalized interactions. Employees need to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to deliver personalized service effectively. Staff must be adept at both verbal and non-verbal communication, ensuring they can clearly convey information and understand guests' needs and preferences. Effective communication fosters a welcoming atmosphere and helps in building a rapport with guests, making them feel valued and understood. In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of how personalization can be effectively implemented in hotel bars to improve guest satisfaction. By adopting a combination of advanced technologies, and comprehensive staff training programs, hotel bars can create a unique and memorable experience for each guest, thereby increasing overall satisfaction and loyalty.


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How to Cite
Puhka , O., & Sharan , L. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF PERSONALIZED APPROACH TO GUEST SERVICE IN HOTEL BAR. Economy and Society, (62).